Donkey: Just who are you trying to keep away? Just tell me that, Shrek?
Shrek: Everyone! All right?

Donkey: Hey, what's your problem, Shrek, what you got against the whole world anyway, huh?
Shrek: Look, I'm not the one with the problem, okay? It's the world that seems to have a problem with *me*!

Monday, August 11, 2008

why so serious?

Vroiam sa scriu ceva sforaitor despre "fascinatia maleficului". Pornisem in firul gandurilor de la Jokerul din Dark Knight - indubitabil un personaj fascinant. Nu o sa va spun aici sa vedeti filmul, ca merita, nici ce rol genial a facut Ledger si o sa imi pastrez si pe alta data divagatia de 'only the good die young'. Mi se pare un persnonaj absolut fascinant si cred ca e ceva dincolo de geniul lui Ledger. Ergo, urmeaza o lunga si incalcita aberatie de pseudo studiu de personaj, pseudo socio-psihologic, prin cheia de interpretare oferita de Dungeons&Dragons. Sounds complicated? Here it goes:

Jokerul e in mod clar antagonistul principal al filmului si in mod evident e deraiat rau. Dar... e vocea unor adevararuri pe care nu prea ai cum sa le contesti. Chestii de genul:
"Y'see, madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little...push."
"If you're good at something, never do it for free."
"The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules!"
"I believe... whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you... stranger."
"You'll see, I'll show you, that when the chips are down, these uh... civilized people, they'll eat each other."

Si mai ales si mai ales... declaratia de misiune, cum ar veni. Si cand am ajuns acolo cu firul gandurilor a urmat declicul care a declansat blogul:
"You know what, you know what I noticed? Nobody panics when things go according to plan. Even if the plan is horrifying. If tomorrow I tell the press that like a gang banger, will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics, because it's all, part of the plan. But when I say that one, little old mayor will die, well then everyone loses their minds! Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. Oh and you know the thing about chaos, it's fair."

Mda. Undeniable. Da, e personajul negativ... dar el si Batman nu sunt opozanti pe axa good - bad ca in clasicul fat frumos si zmeul cel rau, ci, folosind referintele din universul Dungeon&Dragons, si (sau mai ales) pe axa order - chaos.

Explicitarea celor doua axe pentru necunoscatorii in ale D&D (mi-e lene sa traduc... va descurcati voi):

Pe axa good - evil:

Good implies altruism, respect for life, and a concern for the dignity of sentient beings. Good characters make personal sacrifices to help others.

Evil implies harming, oppressing, and killing others. Some evil creatures simply have no compassion for others and kill without qualms if doing so is convenient or if it can be set up. Others actively pursue evil, killing for sport or out of duty to some malevolent deity or master.

People who are neutral with respect to good and evil have compunctions against killing the innocent but lack the commitment to make sacrifices to protect or help others. Neutral people are committed to others by personal relationships.

Pe axa law - chaos:
Law implies honor, trustworthiness, obedience to authority, and reliability. On the downside, lawfulness can include close-mindedness, reactionary adherence to tradition, judgmentalness, and a lack of adaptability. Those who consciously promote lawfulness say that only lawful behavior creates a society in which people can depend on each other and make the right decisions in full confidence that others will act as they should.

Chaos implies freedom, adaptability, and flexibility. On the downside, chaos can include recklessness, resentment toward legitimate authority, arbitrary actions, and irresponsibility. Those who promote chaotic behavior say that only unfettered personal freedom allows people to express themselves fully and lets society benefit from the potential that its individuals have within them.

Someone who is neutral with respect to law and chaos has a normal respect for authority and feels neither a compulsion to obey nor a compulsion to rebel. They are honest but can be tempted into lying or deceiving others.

Un personaj se situeaza intr-unul din cele trei locuri posibile, pe ambele axe, rezultand astfel noua combinatii posibile:

Lawful Good is known as the "Saintly" or "Crusader" alignment. A lawful good character typically acts with compassion, and always with honor and a sense of duty.

Neutral Good is known as the "Benefactor" alignment. A neutral good character is guided by his conscience and typically acts altruistically, without regard for or against Lawful precepts such as rules or tradition. A neutral good character may cooperate with lawful officials but does not feel beholden to them.

Chaotic Good is known as the "Beatific" or "Rebel" alignment. A chaotic good character favors change for the greater good, disdains bureaucratic organizations that get in the way of social improvement, and places a high value on personal freedom.

Lawful Neutral is called the "Judge" or "Disciplined" alignment. A lawful neutral character typically believes strongly in Lawful concepts such as honor, order, rules and tradition, and often follows a personal code. Characters of this alignment are neutral with regard to Good and Evil. This does not mean that Lawful Neutral characters are amoral or immoral, or do not have a moral compass; but simply that their moral considerations come a distant second to what their code, tradition or law dictates. They typically have a strong ethical code, but it is primarily guided by their system of belief, not by a commitment to Good or Evil.

Neutral alignment, also referred to as True Neutral or Neutral Neutral, is called the "Undecided" or "Nature's" alignment. This alignment represents neutral on both axis, and tends not to feel strongly towards any alignment. Some neutral characters, rather than feeling undecided, are committed to a balance between the alignments. They may see Good, Evil, Law and Chaos as simply prejudices and dangerous extremes.

Chaotic Neutral is called the "Anarchist" or "Free Spirit" alignment. A character of this alignment is an individualist who follows his or her own heart, shirks rules and traditions. They typically act out of self-interest, but do not enjoy seeing others suffer. An unusual subset of Chaotic Neutral is "strongly Chaotic Neutral", describing a character who behaves chaotically to the point of appearing insane. Characters of this type may regularly change their appearance and attitudes for the sake of change, and intentionally disrupt organizations for the sole reason of disrupting a Lawful construct.

Lawful Evil is referred to as the "Dominator" or "Diabolic" alignment. Characters of this alignment show a combination of desirable and undesirable traits: while they typically obey their superiors and keep their word (trustworthy), they care nothing for the rights and freedoms of other individuals.

Neutral Evil is called the "Malefactor" alignment. Characters of this alignment are typically selfish and have no qualms about turning on their allies-of-the-moment. They have no compunctions about harming others to get what they want, but neither will they go out of their way to cause carnage or mayhem when they see no direct benefit to it.

Chaotic Evil is referred to as the "Destroyer" or "Demonic" alignment. Characters of this alignment tend to have little respect for rules, other peoples' lives, or anything but their own selfish desires. They typically only behave themselves out of fear of punishment.

Mafiotii sunt prea prinsi de posesiunile lor si de frica pentru propria viata. Valorile morale inoculate ii impiedica pe locuitorii din Gotham sa se arunce in aer unii pe altii pentru a-si salva pielea (lucru de care sincer ma indoiesc ca s-ar intampla in realitate). Batman e tipul cruciatului care actioneaza cu scopul clar de a apara ordinea (destul de dedicat 'binelui' pentru a face asta si din afara ordinii daca ea nu isi recunoaste propriul bine: "I'm whatever Gotham needs me to be.") si e legat in plus de relatiile cu cei apropiati.

Harvey Dent e Cavalerul Alb al orasului si asta spune totul. 'Caderea' lui are loc de la Lawful Good la Lawful Neutral. Proclamarea unui cod de ordine ca scop suprem: reactiune identica la actiune. E prea prins de acest scop pentru a putea cu adevarat alege: "It's not about what I want, it's about what's fair!". Dementa lui dupa transformarea in Two-Face consta in impingerea acelui "fair" la extrem: restabilirea echilibrului, indiferent ce inseamna asta. "Inselat" in increderea sa in triumful binelui pe axa good-evil, s-a debarasat de ea si a schimbat sistemul de referinta pentru "lawful" cu un sistem neutru si impartial: "You thought we could be decent men at an indecent time. But you were wrong; the world is cruel, and the only morality in a cruel world is chance. Unbiased. Unprejudiced. Fair." Si absolvind de raspundere... dar si de libertate.

Chaotic Evil este ceea ce Alfred surprinde in caracterizarea persoanelor de tipul Jokerului: "some men just like to watch the world burn." Impinsa la extrem, angrenarea in acest tip de comportament il elibereaza de orice constrangeri de legalitate, moralitate, etica. Iar singura lui dorinta fiind cea enuntata ("See, I'm a man of simple tastes. I like dynamite...and gunpowder...and gasoline!"), este liber si de orice alte legaturi. Nu e atasat material de nimic (cine ar da foc la milioane?), emotional nici atat ("Friends? Have you met this guy?"), nici macar de propria persoana ("Come on, I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Come on, hit me. *Hit me!*") si prin asta e mai liber decat ar putea fi vreodata un alt personaj. Libertate absoluta, responsabilitate zero (eat this, Sartre!)... BUT cu doua mici inconveniente:

Unu la mana, existenta legata si conditionata de cea a opusului sau ("I had a vision, of a world without Batman. The mob ground out a little profit and the police tried to shut them down, one block at a time. And it was so... boring." & "Kill you? I don't want to kill you! What would I do without you? Go back to ripping off mob dealers? No, no, you... you complete me." & "You won't kill me out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness, and I won't kill you, because you're just too much fun. I think you and I are destined to do this forever.").

Doi la mana... lipsa unui scop concret, altul decat joaca de-a soarecele si pisica cu Batman si acela de a privi cum arde lumea ("Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it! You know, I just, do things. The mob has plans, the cops have plans, Gordon's got plans. You know, they're schemers. Schemers trying to control their worlds. I'm not a schemer. I try to show the schemers how, pathetic, their attempts to control things really are.")

De unde revenim la "The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules" / "I'm an agent of chaos." Un agent al haosului personificat, singurul capabil de acest rol pentru ca (insert toata poliloghia de mai sus). La fel de singur in distrugerea sa fara scop ca si agentii ordinii cu scopul lor de mentinere a acesteia si a binelui... din care in final raman doar Gordon si Batman ("Does it depress you, commissioner? To know just how alone you really are?").

Jokerul si Batman (+ Gordon, + Alfred & Lucius) la polurile opuse chaotic evil - lawful good. Ceilalti lawful good (cu putere de actiune) sunt scosi din joc rand pe rand. Harvey Dent devine lawful neutral si probabil ca ar fi escaladat la lawful evil, exact dupa principiul enuntat de el: "You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain". Mafiotii intra pe undeva la neutral evil.

In ambele cazuri, sunt antagonisti atat pentru Joker cat si pentru Batman. Miriada de personaje secundare si personajul colectiv Gotham City oscileaza dupa curenti, neluand partea nicicui in mod ferm si sustinut (ceea ce ar putea rezolva conflictul prin interventia celor 'prosti dar multi'). Raman in principiu masa de manevra pentru restul (manipulati si manipulabili prin n metode - santaj, apelarea la valori poate latente, influenta exercitata de charisma taberei aparent castigatoare la un moment dat), neavand valorile clar definite si nici putinta sau vointa de a le urma pana la capat. Pentru ca acestea sunt apanajul exclusiv al personajelor principale - eroi si anti-eroi, angrenati in antagonismul lor etern, on and on and on and on. Si totusi... why so serious?

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